Promoting private sector competitiveness in Togo - ProComp
The Program for the Promotion of the Competitiveness of the Private Sector in Togo (Programme pour la promotion de la compétitivité du secteur privé au Togo, hereinafter referred to as ProComp) is a bilateral private sector development project focusing on Togolese micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the food industry (i.e. processing of agricultural products).
The project strategy aims at improving the legal and administrative framework for the Togolese private sector, in particular for MSMEs, as well as the services offered to MSMEs by various providers and support structures. The core element of the strategy is to improve the MSME ecosystem (especially public and private support structures and advisory services) by strengthening institutions at the meso level. To achieve this goal, the capacities of government and private sector structures are developed and their networking with the target group of MSMEs is promoted. Capacity development of business service providers and support structures focuses on technical support for MSMEs and an improved business and investment climate (including in the areas of agricultural value chains, access to finance, quality infrastructure and trade). Through criteria-based selection of enterprises or intermediaries to be supported and through gender-sensitive support services, the project contributes to strengthening womens entrepreneurial activities and their position in the male-dominated environment of formalized MSMEs in Togo. Staff in public and private support structures are sensitized to take into account the situation of women and to develop specific services for women entrepreneurs.
The project has the following five outputs:
1. Enterprises have improved their access to raw materials, intermediate products and inputs,
2. their access to financial services, and
3. their access to international markets,
4. the range of products or services available to companies to support sustainable investment has improved, and
5. the private sectors involvement in the improvement of the legal and administrative framework has been strengthened.
© Catherine Leblanc | istockphoto