Support to Improving the Investment and Business Environment - SIBE
The "Support to Improving the Investment and the Business Environment (SIBE) Program" in the SADC region seeks to achieve economic diversification and job creation through developing enabling investment regimes in order to advance economic integration. The SIBE program is implemented by the SADC Secretariat and located under the Directorate of Finance, Investment and Customs (D-FIC). It is financed by the EU under the 11th European Development Fund (EDF). The overall objective of the program is to achieve sustainable and inclusive growth and support job creation through the transformation of the region into a unified investment zone and promoting intra-regional investment and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the SADC region, in particular for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The program has three technical key result areas and one managerial result area, namely:
- Key Result Area 1: Support an enabling investment policy framework across SADC Member States
- Key Result Area 2: Promote enhanced integration of financial markets in the SADC region
- Key Result Area 3: Support enhanced financial inclusion for consumers and SMEs
- Result Area 4: Strong strategic and financial leadership to the overall implementation and monitoring