Family planning and awareness
The project will contribute to the overall goal of improving the sexual and reproductive health and rights of the people of Niger. This objective will be measured through two indicators:
- Stabilization, or even reduction, of the average length of birth spacing from 31 months (2012) to 34 months (2021);
- reduction of HIV / AIDS seroprevalence below 0.4 percent for the general population.
The project will contribute to increasing access to and use of modern contraceptives as well as changing the attitudes of populations, migrants and refugees towards family planning, the prevention of sexually transmitted infections and the age of the first marriage, while strengthening the autonomy and continued existence of ANIMAS-SUTURA. Performance indicators track the rise in modern contraceptive prevalence, especially among risk groups including migrants and refugees, favorable attitudes about family planning and HIV / AIDS prevention, as well as the age of first marriage and the spacing of children.
While targeting sedentary populations in the regions of Agadez, Tahoua, Tillabéri and Maradi, migrants and refugees in the two regions of Tahoua and Agadez, the emergency project reinforces the ongoing support measures for ANIMAS-SUTURA, in particular to support
- the development of the organizational system throughout the process of analysis, strategy development and organizational adaptation;
- capacity building of ANIMAS-SUTURA management;
- financial management through co-management of the disposition fund including tenders;
- the visibility and representation of ANIMAS-SUTURA particularly in the mobilization of resources; and
- the design, coordination and validation of studies, management systems and plans (action plan, budget plan, business plan, marketing and communication plans).