Strengthening the health system project (PRSS)

Ivory Coast
KfW, 2021 - 2025
Contract value: 817,019 EUR

In accordance with the financing agreement signed on 12 January 2021, KfW and Côte dIvoire have agreed to extend the public health program "Strengthening the Health System (PRSS) in Côte dIvoire". The project aims to improve the quality and increase the use of sexual and reproductive health, HIV prevention and COVID-19 prevention services in the Lôh Djiboua and Haut Sassandra regions. The second phase of the PRSS has two components:

  1. Rehabilitation, equipment, training, quality assurance and maintenance of targeted health facilities.
  2. Training, awareness raising, reproductive health/family planning commodities and, where appropriate, Covid-19 prevention activities.

Component 2 of the project concerns the continuation of the activities of PRSS 1, Phase I, namely the implementation of mother and child health activities in the two regions of Lôh Djiboua and Haut-Sassandra, through a cross-cutting behavior change communication component to promote the use of health services for childbirth and reduce risky behaviors during pregnancy. For family planning, communication will target pregnant women, their husbands, men and adolescents, and more generally women and men of reproductive age.  These objectives of Component 2 are well aligned with those of the PNDS 2021-2025 for improving maternal, newborn, child, adolescent and youth health and increasing the supply and utilization of quality services. The PRSS, Phase II Component 2 proposes the following complementary activities:

  • Intensification of procurement, distribution and promotion of family planning social marketing products
  • Community mobilization and awareness campaigns to promote safe sexual behaviour, appropriate product use and family planning
  • Increase access to family planning products and services
  • COVID-19 preventive measures


Mother And Child Health & SRHR


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