Improving emergency maternal and newborn care
The overall objective of the Health Sector Support Program was to increase the use of improved health services by adolescents, pregnant women, mothers and injecting drug users. GFA implemented the programs thematic area (A) "Improving Emergency Maternal and Newborn Care (MNC)" in ten intervention districts. GFA strengthened the quality of MNC by implementing activities in three work packages:
- Improving clinical skills for managing MNC emergencies through clinical mentoring;
- Improving the management of hospitals and health facilities through management mentoring;
- Strengthening the referral system for MNC.
Mentoring was provided to health workers providing MNC in the 58 supported health facilities and to health workers with leadership roles in these facilities, as well as to members of hospital development committees and health facility operation and management committees. A special group of facilitators were selected, senior clinical staff in the hospitals who were involved in the mentoring and were able to take over the clinical mentoring after the end of the intervention to ensure sustainable impact.
Combined clinical and management mentoring was provided in 58 facilities, including both Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (CEONC) and Basic Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (BEONC) sites and birthing centers.