Maternal and child health nutrition needs for indigenous cultural communities

EU, 2012 - 2016
Contract value: 3,580,195 EUR

The overall objective of the project was to contribute to a significant and sustainable improvement in maternal and child health towards the achievement of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 4 (reducing child mortality) and 5 (improving maternal health) in selected Indigenous Cultural Communities (ICC)/Indigenous Peoples (IP) and other disadvantaged communities in Mindanao.

The specific objective of the project was to improve access to and utilization of quality essential reproductive health services in selected ICC/IP and other disadvantaged communities in Mindanao through a comprehensive and culturally acceptable implementation of the Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (MNCHN) strategy.

The technical assistance consisted of three long-term experts supplemented by 800 days of short-term expertise. The team was based in Davao (Mindanao), where it supported the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples in achieving the project outcomes. Project activities focused on five intervention sites spread across Mindanao, which served as pilot sites. The project had a strong participatory approach, involving many stakeholders from civil society and different levels of the health system. UNFPA was a key partner in the implementation of the project. The four main outputs of the project were:

  1. Analyze, document and use information on IP knowledge, beliefs and practices related to maternal, newborn and child health and nutrition (MNCHN), barriers to service utilization and gaps in service delivery, and basic demographic information.
  2. Improve the capacity of ICCs/Ips, the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples and Local Government Units (LGUs) to plan and implement health interventions for better maternal, newborn and reproductive health outcomes within ICC/IP communities through more informed and productive engagement.
  3. Improve access of ICC/IP and other disadvantaged communities to a continuum of quality care related to reproductive health information, services and commodities.
  4. Enhance the capacity of Indigenous Peoples Organizations (IPOs) and other Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to participate in the identification, formulation and implementation of health development interventions for their specific community.


Mother And Child Health & SRHR


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