Promotion of Sexual and Reproductive and Family health (PSRF)

KfW, 2017 - 2023
Contract value: 4,316,741 EUR

The project "Promotion of Sexual and Reproductive Health" (PSRH) was a contribution of the German-Guinean Financial Cooperation in support of the Government of Guinea to increase the use and quality of reproductive health services in the regions of Kindia and Boké, thus contributing to improving the health of mothers and newborns in Guinea. The development of this project builds on KfWs long-standing commitment to the health sector. The Ebola outbreak in Guinea revealed weaknesses in the Guinean health system. The problems identified during the feasibility study for the project revealed a deplorable state of infrastructure, a chronic lack of funding and a shortage of qualified staff in the countrys health facilities. This has resulted in poor health outcomes for the population, particularly in the area of reproductive and family health. The project implements three components:

  1. Rehabilitation, extension and equipment of peripheral health facilities
  2. A performance-based funding mechanism for the reimbursement of health services aiming at provision of quality reproductive health services
  3. Development of community-based communication, advocacy and contraceptive distribution activities to stimulate demand for RH services

The implementation of the project was ensured by the Bureau for Strategy and Development (BSD) of the Ministry of Health, where the project was based, and which mobilized GFA and its partners to provide regular support to the BSD in the implementation of the project.


Mother And Child Health & SRHR


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