Technical and vocational education and employment for young people (PAFPE), Phase 3

KfW, 2021 - 2025
Contract value: 2,178,238 EUR

Phase III of the PAFPE project will consolidate the achievements of the first and second phase, transpose the experiences made and ensure better coverage of the whole territory. In its third phase, the project will focus on supporting new technical and vocational education institutions (TVET) pre-selected by the project leader and KfW and located in the Plateaux, Kara and Savanes regions. Responsible for the implementation of the project is the Ministry in charge of Technical Education and Handicrafts (META) and the Ministry of Grassroots Development, Handicrafts and Youth (MDBAJ), which have delegated the execution to the National Fund for Apprenticeship, Training and Professional Development (FNAFPP). The project concerns the rehabilitation, construction, enlargement and equipment of public and private TVET institutions as well as the financing of accompanying measures: training of trainers, promotion of managerial capacities in TVET institutions, capacity building for FNAFPP staff, measures of digitalization and integration of Information and Communication Technologies in Education (ICTE) for TVETs, and measures of professional insertion and awareness raising. The objective of the project is to improve the quality of and access to technical and vocational training in the selected regions of Togo. Thus the project contributes to the improvement of technical and vocational training opportunities, employment and income. The project will focus on the sector that employs the bulk of the labor force: the agro-sylvo-pastoral sector - understood in the broadest sense, i.e. including all occupations that contribute to the dynamics of agriculture and rural development. 


Labour Market & Employment Promotion
Tvet & Skills Development


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