Expert pool for VET Toolbox I

GIZ, 2019 - 2022
Contract value: 1,080,000 EUR

Employment is a key factor for development and inclusive growth. However, VET provision is often not responsive to the demands and opportunities of the labor market. From this perspective, a new facility, the VET Toolbox, was set up by the European Union. It is funded by the European Union, DEVCO, and the German Government and implemented by a partnership of European Member State Agencies led by Enabel (Belgium) in cooperation with GIZ (Germany), AFD (France), British Council, and LuxDEV (Luxembourg). Within GIZ, the VET Toolbox I project forms part of Employment for Sustainable Development in Africa (E4D), a pan-African program for regional development. However, the program has also been implemented beyond Africa.

The objective of the VET Toolbox is an effective reform of VET provisions to make them more demand-driven, responsive to labor market needs, and increase access to (self-) employment, including for disadvantaged groups. Within the framework of the project GFA provides partner countries with know-how, tools, and advice to improve the labor market responsiveness of VET reforms, strategies, and action plans, in particular the ones supported by the EU (EC and EU Member States), thereby also enabling the orientation towards the inclusion of disadvantaged groups and most vulnerable people.


Tvet & Skills Development


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