Strengthening employment relevant technical and vocational training in Botswana II (SER-TVET-II)
The project aimed that selected TVET institutions offer demand-led occupational / skills training qualifications and programs in selected occupational fields. The Ministry of Tertiary Education, Ministry of Employment, Labor Market and Skills Development, Ministry of Basic Education, government organizations and other industry and private sector organizations and partners were strengthened to manage and implement a demand oriented TVET System, apply instruments to sustainably improve and strengthen the demand orientation of the TVET programs in cooperation with the private sector. Occupational/skills training programs in terms of their demand-orientation were offered for sectors with employment potential
GFA enhanced cooperations between TVET institutions and relevant private sector through the implementation of cooperation formats and agreements as well as their institutionalization and further dissemination through multipliers. We implemented qualifications or additional qualifications through the development of occupational standards, curricula and assessment guides together with industry partners in labor intensive economic sectors. We also develevoped training material and teacher training for the new programs.