Réussir au Sénégal - Perspectives through vocational training, phase 2
The second phase of the "Réussir au Sénégal" program, implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, targets the creation of professional perspectives for Senegalese youth and vulnerable groups and their insertion into the labor market. The objective of promoting the access of young Senegalese to attractive professions and the labor market will be achieved through training workshops and capacity building of the relevant institutions and other appropriate measures supported by awareness campaigns. GFA is committed to a qualitative approach to capacity building and innovative formats to promote entrepreneurship. Digital promotion, private sector involvement and an inclusive approach are cross-cutting elements of the overall strategy. The project will be implemented in the regions of Dakar/Thiès, Saint-Louis, Louga, Sédhiou, Kolda and Ziguinchor.