Expert pool for VET Toolbox II

GIZ, 2021 - 2023
Contract value: 1,531,000 EUR

Employment is a key factor for development and inclusive growth. However, VET provision is often not responsive to the demands and opportunities of the labor market. From this perspective, a new facility, the VET Toolbox, was set up by the European Union. It is funded by the European Union, DEVCO, and the German Government and implemented by a partnership of European Member State Agencies led by Enabel (Belgium), in cooperation with GIZ (Germany), AFD (France), British Council, and LuxDEV (Luxembourg).

The VET Toolbox II started in July 2021 with a more focused approach than our contribution to the VET Toolbox I. GFA conducts activities funded by GIZ in five countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, targeting specific sectors with a strong potential in terms of growth and jobs creation: E-Waste management in Kenya, transport and logistic sector in Mozambique, cashew production and delivery riders in Nigeria, as well as the electricity sector and solar energy in Tanzania and Uganda. The project contributes to the development of demand-driven vocational education and training adapted to the needs of the respective labor market.

GFA supports VET stakeholders in the preparation and delivery of relevant and inclusive skills development in the identified priority sectors. To this end, the project team works together with local partners to develop or adapt methods and training modules. Local VET providers are supported with capacity-building measures and new equipment. Based on extensive thematic expertise and practical experiences, GFA will develop and distill lessons learned and policy recommendations for each country and stimulate practice-informed and demand-driven VET reforms.


Tvet & Skills Development


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