Strengthening employment oriented vocational training in Botswana II- KoFi
Within the framework of the 11th European Development Fund, the European Union (EU) designed a sector budget support, which focused on supporting vocational training reforms and increasing labor market-relevant skills. Complementing the parallel project “Strengthening employment relevant technical and vocational training in Botswana II (SER-TVET-II)”, the project aimed that selected TVET institutions offer demand-led occupational / skills training qualifications and programs in selected occupational fields. It also supported the Ministry of Tertiary Education, Ministry of Employment, Labor Market and Skills Development, Ministry of Basic Education, government organizations like HRDC, BQA, BEC, Business Botswana and other Industry and private sector organizations to manage and implement a demand oriented TVET System.
GFA provided technical assistance and capacity development to partner institutions and personnel for the development and implementation of demand-orientated, Multiple Pathways’ TVET programs in accordance with the official roll-out plan for implementation. Alignment of the programs with the National Credit and Qualifications Framework (NCQF) was foreseen, as well as using a gender-sensitive approach. Local teaching staff was trained to develop, deliver and assess action-oriented, outcome-based TVET programs in cooperation with the private sector. Accordingly, the selected TVET institutions and the private sector were supported for entering into effective partnerships, which provideed work-based learning opportunities with special focus on the participation of women.