
The globalized world with its rapidly changing environments, economic conditions and technologies imposes new challenges on the education and qualification of youths and the required skills sets of the working population. The concept of Lifelong Learning acknowledges that learning is a continuous endeavour over every person’s life span. It not only involves formal education at school but also non-formal and informal learning gained through further training, social commitments or at the workplace. 

GFA concept and services

© GFA | Design Philipp Möller GFA’s work in the Education, Skills and Employment field is guided by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which postulate quality education and the promotion of Lifelong Learning as well as productive employment and decent work for all. The concept of Lifelong Learning is the framework for our core competency areas: Education, TVET & Skills Development and Labor Market & Em-ployment Promotion. Our company’s expertise gained in over 30 years of project and advisory work ranges from education system reform, demand-oriented technical and vocational education and training, further training and adult education to career guidance, job placement and employment promotion measures.


© | We strive to improve access to and quality of primary, secondary and higher education. Our advisory services address policy level reforms as well as institutional and individual organizational development and capacity building measures – ideally in an integrated multi-level approach. We support governments and clients in scoping their education sector priorities, formulating strategies and reforms as well as implementing and rolling out country-wide programs.  Our services in education include:

  • National education reforms, including curriculum reforms and education sector strategy development and evaluation – such as for example an education sector review in Nepal and the formulation of an education support program in Liberia
  • Educational governance at national, regional and local level – including e.g. the support to the educational decentralization process in Costa Rica
  • Quality management systems including legal provisions, standard development and accreditation of programs, institutions and personnel – for instance, GFA is supporting the design and implementation of an accreditation system for teachers in South Africa
  • Pre- and in-service teacher training schemes, including e- and blended learning concepts for national roll-out – for example through a CBT-oriented in-service teacher training program for secondary teachers in Belize
  • Modern school management and institutional development systems, including e.g. the formulation of individual school development plans


Inke Hase
Department Director
E-mail: inke.hase[at]


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