Market entry into renewable energies and energy efficiency for the productive sector

GIZ, 2019 - 2021
Contract value: 1,725,278 EUR

The objective of the project is to improve the prerequisites for the use of renewable energy (RE) and energy efficeincy (EE) solutions by large private sector electricity consumers and energy supply companies. The strategic focus of the project is, on the one hand, on overcoming market entry barrieres, which so far discourages the use of RE and EE by Ghanas private sector electricity consumers. On the other hand, public utilitiy companies must be prepared for the change in the elctricity sector, which is primarily caused by self-generation of electricity from RE by their customers. The project works in three fields of action:

  1. Market development and regulation for EE/RE solutions: Relevant public institutions in the energy sector and RE/EE companies (engineering companies, project developers, installers, maintenance companies) have improved instruments and capacities for market development of RE and EE.
  2. Investments preparation for major private electricity consumers: Large private electricity consumers have improved capacity to plan RE and/or EE investments.
  3. Business strategies for public electricity utilities: Public utilities avail of strategic business opportunities to respond to their customers growing options for generating their own electricity from RE and improving their EE.




Energy Efficiency


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