Improving Energy Performance

GIZ, 2023 - 2024
Contract value: 262,990 EUR

In the framework of C40, GIZ is supporting the Provincial Government of Jakarta (DKI Jakarta) in improving the energy efficiency and integrating renewable energy for its 28 provincial-owned hospitals (“RSUD”) through the project "Addressing climate change in cities - the C40 Cities Finance Facility (CFF)". This includes the following elements: 

  • PROJECT DEVELOPMENT: Support to DKI Jakarta and DTKTE to implement renewable (PV solar and EE measures across the 28 hospitals). This may include support for each building project planning, feasibility studies, and the development of project procurement proposals and financing schemes.
  • TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE for the implementation of the REN (renewable) and EE (energy efficiency) projects for each building. This includes support with project design, project management, and the procurement process for each building.
  • FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE for the project financing of the specified REN and EE projects for each building, buildings, and/or group of buildings. This may include grants, loans, or other forms of financing, and particularly engagement with the private sector through Public Private Partnership (PPP) structures.
  • CAPACITY BUILDING: Provide capacity building support to DKI Jakarta and DTKTE and building´s operators to build the skills and knowledge needed to develop and implement the REN and EE investments and measures across the buildings. This includes tailored REN installation and EE implementation training, workshops, and other forms of technical support.

The purpose of the assignment is to support the municipal government of DKI Jakarta on its transition to a low and climate neutral pathway, particularly through REN and EE measures in buildings.It will facilitate DKI Jakartas access to resources and know-how transfer through its expert team. Our team combines international best practice know-how for REN and EE measures in buildings, public private partnerships, the successful implementation of similar C40 CFF projects in other cities (i.e., Jakarta, Bangalore), a high familiarity with REN and EE projects in Indonesia, Jakarta and the specific buildings.

The project will be tailored to the specific institutional and legal conditions, and it will support strengthening an effective policy as well as the technical and financial enabling environments, in order to allow the self-sustained implementation capacity with DKI Jakarta and DTKTE and the replication potential across Indonesia and international lessons learned.



Energy Efficiency


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