Energy efficiency investments in small and medium-sized enterprises
In Brazil, industry is responsible for approximately 33% of the countrys final energy consumption and 9% (185 MtCO2e) of the countrys GHG emissions (2017). Contrary to global trends, Brazilian industry has become increasingly energy-intensive over the past decade, which means that its potential to improve energy efficiency (EE) and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions remains largely untapped, especially in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This is also true for other sectors.
In the state of São Paulo, the largest manufacturing center in South America, the GIZ project "Transformative Investments for Energy Efficiency in Industries" (TI4E)
- is raising awareness among several thousand SMEs through a broad marketing campaign;
- building the capacity of local EE consultants through the Brazilian National Service for Industrial Training (SENAI);
- and de-risking projects by creating an Energy Technology List (ETL);
- provides partial subsidies for the performance of high-quality energy audits in industrial SMEs and for the provision of implementation support to SMEs that are expected to invest in high-impact EE measures;
- establishes a guarantee fund with Desenvolve SP (DSP), the São Paulo State Development Bank, to reduce collateral requirements for such investments and mobilize private financing.
In this specific project, GFA contributes to TI4Es overall objective of providing technical assistance and promoting access to finance for EE projects of industrial SMEs from the State of São Paulo, and extending this access to other sectors and regions of Brazil. To this end, the specific objectives of GFAs assignment are:
- Assist specialists in the preparation of EE investments in industrial SMEs, especially with regard to thermal technology interventions with high GHG mitigation impact, economic-financial assessments and contractual modalities;
- perform independent validations of retrofit installations in industrial SMEs as well as M&V reports on energy savings in accordance with relevant standards and norms;
- significantly expand the ETL with technical specifications of additional EE technologies and enable its integration into the FINAME accreditation system of the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) for concessional credit lines;
- further develop TI4Es existing de-risking tools into a modular EE financing toolkit and advise selected Brazilian financial institutions on its use.