Export Initiative Energy
The Export Inititiative Energy represents one instrument of the German export promotion policy under the responsibility of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy.
The Technical Secretariat of the Export Initiative Energy supports German SMEs in the export market for “energy efficiency and renewable energy” and elaborates policy recommendations for further export promotion in the energy sector based on monitoring and evaluation of the Export Initiative Energy activities. The focus on this project phases were to provide easier access to foreign markets by participation in trade fairs or delegation visits, business matching, supporting technology presentations and conferences, an internet market place, country specific market studies and market consultancy. The target markets were located in EU countries, North America and East Asia/Australia, but increasingly in emerging and developing economies worldwide, including Eastern and South-Eastern Europe and MENA countries. All renewable technologies were targeted as well as energy efficiency technologies in buildings, transport, industry. The modules of the export initiative included:
- Provision of market information, sector and market studies to SMEs
- Participation at international trade fairs
- Organization of information and networking events, of business trips and in-market trips
- Implementation of exemplary (lighthouse) projects
- Know-how transfer and capacity building for SMEs
- Provision of certified training for energy managers
- Commissioning of a project development facility for initiating sustainable energy projects in developing coutries through public-private-partnerships