Establishing Municipal Energy Planning

GIZ, 2021 - 2023
Contract value: 178,354 EUR

The technical cooperation project "Promotion of Energy Efficiency and Implementation of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive in Ukraine" (FEER project) supported the Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine (MinRegion) and the State Agency for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine (SAEE) in three areas: policy advice and implementation of partial reforms, promotion of municipal energy management in Ukraine, and development of energy efficiency training for professionals and employees.

The main results of the municipal component of the FEER project were

  • Basic Municipal Energy Management (MEM) is established in selected municipalities.
  • Strategic energy planning is established in selected municipalities.
  • Facilitate municipal energy efficiency investments.
  • Improve donor coordination, communication and awareness raising.

The MEP project was designed to provide technical assistance and support to the second component of the FEER project, based on the Swiss experience in the area of Municipal Energy Plans (MEP). MEP is a tool to ensure affordable energy supply while minimizing environmental impacts in terms of air quality and C02 emissions. To this end, the project supported the development of a methodology for spatial municipal energy planning based on the Swiss approach and adapted to the needs of Ukrainian municipalities. The prerequisite for successful energy planning was a functioning basic MEM and the commitment to plan the energy supply of the municipality based on district heating. The methodology was disseminated among Ukrainian municipalities and will lead to the development of real spatial MEPs in the future. Project partners with little or no war damage, as well as those in need of reconstruction, gained knowledge of municipal energy planning.

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Energy Efficiency


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