Energy efficient propulsion systems (PROMOB-e)
Brazil published new climate indicators in September 2015 and announced to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 43% till 2030 compared to 2005. In addition to the in-creased use of renewable energy, Brazil is striving for an energy efficiency improvement of 10%. The transport sector is responsible for more than half of the consumption of fossil fuels and Brazilian energy-related GHG emissions. Despite the strong use of ethanol and biodiesel in Brazil, 49% of emissions are due to the combustion of diesel fuel and 33% to the combustion of gasoline. According to the Brazilian Energy Planning Authority, the fleet of passenger cars is expected to triple by 2050, of which 11.8 million (about %) are purely electric vehicles. Guided by the global trend, Brazil is also increasingly focusing on energy-efficient propulsion systems (electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid systems), especially in local public transport and municipal transport, to meet its climate requirements. Investments in the construction of production capacities and the acquisition of electrically operated buses are supported by the development bank BNDES. However, market and vehicle approvals for electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles are hardly growing, since the prerequisites for the broad use of energy-efficient propulsion systems are missing.