Municipal Energy Efficiency and Management Project (MEEMP)
Through the Municipal Energy Efficiency and Management Project (MEEMP) the Swiss Government supports the Serbian municipalities of Kruševac, Užice, Paraćin and Vrbas in improving their municipal energy management. This project had three components:
1. Introduction of the "European Energy Award" (EEA) in four municipalities with the goal of reaching a continuous improvement of the municipal energy management. The EEA is a quality management and certification system. It supports municipalities willing to contribute to sustainable energy policy and urban development through the rational use of energy and increased use of renewable energies.
2. Energy efficient infrastructure investments: The EE component financed defined building rehabilitation measures (EE measures mainly in schools) in the four municipalities.
3. Capacity development: The capacity development component designed and conducted a series of trainings for the municipal staff, the facility managers and also for the teachers of the schools that are to be rehabilitated. The C³ Unit for Better Learning from GFA Consulting Group was in charge of the concept and implementation of the trainings.