German Energy Program (SAGEN) III
The overall objective of the GIZ program was to improve the use of conducive framework conditions for renewable energy and energy efficiency in South Africa. The project supported the development and functioning of energy management systems in municipalities (MEMS) in South Africa to enable selected municipalities to analyze their energy balance, identify energy-saving opportunities, and draft appropriate strategies to plan and implement (energy saving) measures based on verifiable energy data. South African municipalities are increasingly aware of the various challenges in the energy sector and have started to address them in different ways and with varying intensity, depending on their respective levels of development and capacity. While metropolitan areas (metros) are often well advanced in the way they address energy issues, smaller municipalities often have limited resources and capacities to deal with energy issues. The project took note of these differences and follows a differentiated approach that distinguishes between three different categories of municipalities (Innovators – Aspirants – Beginners) and implemented different and adapted approaches of support.