Energy efficiency and renewables
The overall objective of the project was to create conditions for a secure energy supply and the provision of quality and affordable services for citizens, to enhance sector reforms and attract private investment, to mitigate the impact of energy activities on the environment as well as to move forward Kosovo’s energy system integration in regional and European energy markets. The project worked in five main components:
- Legal framework upgrade
Compliance with the Third Energy Package: completion of transposition of EU directives into national legislation as required by the Energy Community Treaty, as well as the adoption of the required secondary legislation, by-laws, rule books and implementation procedures. - Improve quality of energy data
- Preparing the methodology for energy data collection and improving the quality of data and statistics
- Survey of energy consumption in household, transport and service sector - Support for planning and monitoring of energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy (RE)
- Creation of a robust and sustainable policy framework at both national and local level
- Enhancing the planning and implementation process for EE and RE use
- Supporting and strengthening of existing institutions
- Setting up monitoring, evaluation and verification mechanisms for reporting on EE achievements - Financing instruments and EE / RE Fund
Design of financial mechanisms for supporting EE and RE investments. - Visibility activities
Supporting the communication of Government of Kosovo’s activities related to EE and RE, and contributing to a general awareness raising and behavioural change.